Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Tomorrow is the day!!
I am at Mom & Dad's in Puyallup and my aunt and I both have our stuff all packed and ready to go. I was slightly bummed that I didn't have a perfect pair of black pants but rather, 3 pairs in various shades of green/khaki/slate. Lady Luck was smiling down on me because I went to Title 9 to take back a dress and the black pants that I had high hopes for, and I found the truly PERFECT pair! The only problem? They're for normal height people. Phooey. Luckily ... the clerks knew of an alterations place further down the block so I headed there and paid them double and they had them ready for me in an hour! I'm even going to wear them on the airplane tomorrow! So whew, my photos won't look like I'm wearing the same thing every day!
My second SD memory card for my camera arrived just in time, so if I take low quality photos I can take 20,000 of them! I look forward to sharing each and every one of them with you :-)


Troy and Beth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Troy and Beth said...

Hey cool, I deleted my comment!

Troy and Beth said...

You are already off! Hurrah! Have a most fabulous trip! We'll be here when you get back. I'll have to check if I have your new House's address so I can maybe send a card from the exotic place of North Dakota! I know you're jealous! *grin I'll be checking your blog (hopefully) often so I can live vicariously through you! Hi to your Aunt! (tell her to watch out for those Italian men...we don't want them to sweep her off her feet!)