Monday, June 02, 2008

Aaah, somehow the combination of sleep, a familiar language, and some cool weather has revived me and I am off and running once again!
We made it to London and have already been exploring the city. I was surprised to discover that this is NOT the most expensive place we've visited, despite it's reputation for being that way. Switzerland still has that dubious honor. I have already seen some darling clothes in windows and I am looking forward to trying them on and hopefully bringing some home with me :-)
Velva is thrilled to see the familiar Starbucks sign, and once I am done here I am supposed to go pick her up some coffee and a muffin. What service!
Today we will go to the British Museum and then we are planning to take a hop on, hop off bus trip and just play it by ear today. I'm churched out, so I'm leaving Westminster Abbey and any churchish things for another trip. I need to go see the crown jewels because mom wants me to bring her home a souvenier... haha.
The big excitement for me is going to Harrod's tomorrow!!
Miss you all

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